12 Wellness Trends That Should be on Your Radar This 2023
by: Naturally Immune | August 1, 2022

The pandemic changed the world with a blink of an eye. It sent a ripple effect down every known industry, including the health and wellness market. But while fitness studios continue to find their footing in this post-pandemic world,  one thing’s for sure. People have never been more determined to be fit and healthy. And we have the pandemic to thank for pushing us to reevaluate our choices.

Curious about the wellness trends that have made waves this 2023? Scroll down, to see for yourself if you’re already riding the trend, or if it’s time to get back on the saddle.

1. Immune Health

There is no denying that immune health became top of mind among consumers due to the pandemic. Words like “immune boosting” and “immune boost” racked up the top Google searches in 2020. But the truth is, the idea that the immune system can be boosted is incorrect. It’s not scientifically possible yet. (READ MORE: Harvard and Immunity)

Instead, the immune system can be optimized or improved to work as effectively as possible. Incidentally, sales of elderberry, the immune health superstar of 2021, skyrocketed that it’s now next to impossible now to find one these days.

2. Consuming Gut-Healthy Foods

For years, Ayurvedic medicine has preached the fundamental principle that health begins with digestion. And now, finally we’re paying attention.

The gut and brain are so intimately linked that having a “gut-wrenching” feeling is literally a symptom of an imbalance in either of the two. This 2021-2022, we’ve seen a surge in popularity for probiotics, which can help rebuild the flora and maintain gut health. Kombucha and yogurt have been making the rounds in grocery aisles and health stores—both online and in-store.

3. Digital Healthcare

Remember those first months of the pandemic? We all struggled booking clinic appointments and visiting hospitals. But those pain points were thankfully resolved by virtual appointments. 

With digital healthcare, not only did we realize that it’s possible. We found it a refreshing option to falling in line and taking long commutes. Before long, we were booking virtual sessions with personal trainers, physical therapists, coaches and mental health professionals. 

Digital healthcare will hopefully stay on as a permanent fixture in the post-pandemic world.

4. Functional Foods

Healthful eating has gained a new meaning with the rise of functional foods. It’s no longer enough to eat well. The food should serve other functions besides providing nutrition or nourishment.

Examples of this are smoothies fortified with immune boosters (wellness shots), probiotics, and stress-busting foods. Read more about functional foods here: The Future of Food: The Rising Popularity of Functional Foods.

5. Touchless Spas

Nothing relaxes more than a pampering spa session. But since the coronavirus can be transmitted via touch, physical spas naturally bore the brunt. An estimated 73% of spas in the US have shuttered.

Thankfully, this is not the end for spas. As they learned to innovate, spas and wellness centers moved toward more virtual experiences. Think vibrational and sound therapy beds, relaxation pods, and dry hydrotherapy massages. After all, we need to relax more than ever before.

6. Plant-Based Food

What’s new with plant-based? Well, nothing really. Knockout vegan and vegetarian restaurants in New York like Peacefood and Modern Love are still dishing out delicious meals.

But there’s been an uptick in interest in eating plant-based. According to Vegan Society (quoted from Boots.com), one in five Brits reduced their meat consumption during the pandemic due to health, environmental or ethical concerns. Hopefully, this trend is here to stay for good.

7. Adaptogens 

Adaptogens may have been discovered by a researcher way back in 1947, but it’s only been in recent years that it has enjoyed media attention. Basically, adaptogens are stress and anxiety-busting plants and herbs. Adaptogens like ashwagandha, rhodiola rosea and Siberian ginseng help lessen cortisol released in the body in stressful situations. It may be a great alternative or an additional measure to your meditation and other stress-relieving practices. 

Besides lessening the physical manifestations of stress, adaptogens are also said to help increase attention and endurance. Read more about adaptogens here: Adaptogens: What to Know.

8. Wearable Tech

Hold on to your Fitbits and other smart watches. Wearable tech is predicted to go big this 2022. These fitness devices are effective for a good reason: we get to track our daily habits and fitness goals.

More than tracking the number of steps and our caloric intake, watch out as these devices get upgraded to its 2.0 versions. We’re looking at app-enabled sleep trackers to replace traditional sleep aids. Is it time to buy a new Fitbit model? You be the judge.

9. Virtual Fitness

The fitness studios who have survived the pandemic learned to pivot online. Virtual fitness classes now run the whole gamut – from yoga, to spinning, to barbell classes. Though it may not be as engaging as a face-to-face class, the studios have figured out a way to make each class as stimulating and engaging as possible, whether it’s an individual or group class.

Additionally, there are pre-recorded fitness videos that anyone can access anytime and for free. These fitness gurus are now pseudo-celebrities in their own right, and have built businesses out of them.

10. Meditation apps

The pandemic forced us to press pause and self-reflect, with most of us realizing we’ve been validating our identities in our work lives. That is, finding joys in the hustle and bustle, in the daily grind. But if there’s anything time spent at home with our loved ones taught us, it’s that our health and well-being should come first. Unmistakably, meditation is a foolproof way to do just that.

Meditation apps are one of the most downloaded apps in 2020-2021. These apps are generally free, while you need to pay premium to access unique features. Some of the most popular apps are Insight Timer, Calm, Headspace, Aura and Smiling Mind. Learn more about the top 5 meditation apps here and see how they differ from each other. READ MORE: Top 5 Meditation Apps You Can Download.

11. Outdoor Recreation

Outdoor activities enjoyed a revival in interest after people experienced claustrophobia staying home. According to the Outdoor Industry Association, local parks and trails have been busier than usual, as a more and more Americans are flocking outdoors. 

Fresh air, sunshine, lower rate of transmission, you get the appeal. And trend-spotters are predicting that outdoor recreational activities will continue to rise in the years to come. After all, it’s great for our mental health.

12. Digital Detox

Yet another offshoot of the pandemic is people being on their laptops all day, all the time. The pandemic obliterated those cozy lunches, after-work drinks, and in general, the fun in being able to interact with colleagues. 

Living our lives on screens day in and day out makes us susceptible to burnout. Digital media admittedly can be overstimulating and stressful. That’s why digital detox is rendered necessary to keep ourselves in check. Granted, it’s easier said than done. But trust us, picking up healthier habits like journaling and plants in lieu of social media is so much more worthwhile.

The bottom line

The fitness industry is among those who were hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. But something good came out of it too.

If anything, the disruption accelerated digital inroads that were untapped years before.

Though the fitness industry may not fully recover until 2023 or 2024, opportunities can be found along the way.

People want to stay on top of their health. The pandemic is the large driving force making them consider other options. On the other side, it’s pushing the fitness industry to think out of the box.

As we move on in this post-pandemic world, it’s interesting to see where these 12 wellness trends are headed, and how the fitness industry will continue to adapt, evolve, and innovate.


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