On the Menu: How to Eat Healthy While Dining Out
by: Naturally Immune | December 6, 2021

As much as dining out is one of life’s most pleasurable experiences (think full-course meals and ultimate buffets), it makes it too easy to fall by the wayside to living a healthier life. Those fancy mouthwatering descriptions on the menu? The smell of glorious food wafting in the air amidst a relaxing restaurant ambience? Those are enough to make you forget your latest diet commitment at the drop of a hat.

But you wouldn’t want to decline dinner invitations and social events, or deprive yourself of this pleasurable experience either. The good news is, you can still eat out, without having to compromise your health goals. Here are some helpful strategies to make healthier choices when dining out.

Check out the menu before heading to the restaurant. 

Nothing beats proper planning, and this applies to dining out too. Before meeting your friends, do a quick research of the restaurant, and check out their menu. Mark the items that are healthful, and list them down if you have to.

Once in the restaurant, stick to the plan.

Never go to the restaurant with an empty stomach.

When you go to a restaurant ready to eat like a horse, chances are you’re going to order more food than you can handle. The easy solution is to never arrive with an empty stomach. Eat a fruit, some crackers, or a small energy bar to stave off hunger for a while.

Once you arrive at the restaurant, you’ll have a clear head, clear enough to order a dish that’s nutrient-dense, instead of calorie-laden one.

Order an appetizer like a soup or salad first.

Having a soup or salad before your main course can stop you from eating too much. Opt for a clear-broth or tomato-based ones, instead of the creamy soups. For the salad, order the one loaded with veggies, and perhaps skip the heavy dressing and croutons. You can also ask for the dressing on the side, so you can control how much to use.

This habit is very handy, since you’re able to load up on your fiber at the start of every meal. Studies also show that people who consumed soup before the main course are able to reduce their calorie intake by 20%.

Further, a study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that volunteers who ate a large vegetable salad before their main dish ate fewer calories than those who didn’t.

A glass or two of water, please!

Drinking water at the start and the end of every meal is a simple, yet powerful strategy. Drinking one glass of water at least 30 minutes before a meal can help promote feelings of fullness, stopping you from over-ordering or over-indulging.

This tactic never gets old, and what’s more, it works! A caveat, though, make sure you don’t replace water with a sugary drink like juice or iced tea. Otherwise, it’s all for naught.

Read the descriptions carefully.

If you haven’t pre-planned what you’re ordering, looking closely at the menu can clue you in on how the dishes will be prepared. Stay away from those that says “fried, smothered, breaded, rich and creamy.”

The healthier dishes will have words like “broiled, steamed, or grilled.”

Consider splitting dishes with a friend.

It’s not only budget-friendly, it can lower the amounts of calories you’ll consume too. This is a great trick, especially when you’re the type who wants to have a sampling of more than one dish.

But this doesn’t mean you can go ahead and order the fattiest greasiest offerings on the menu. Stay mindful of ordering the healthier stuff, and hopefully your friend will agree with you.

Ask for healthy swaps.

Restaurants are happy to accommodate these requests. For example, ask the waiter to replace the side dish of fried potatoes, chips, or bread with salad. You can even order something off-menu, like a vegetarian dish, or ask that the fried chicken be replaced with grilled chicken instead. You’ll be surprised how most restaurants are happy to oblige.

Eat slowly and mindfully.

When you eat fast, the tendency is to eat a lot more food than what you intended to. To avoid this, practice mindful eating.

When eating, follow this technique: tap into your five senses, touch, sight, smell, hearing, and taste. Enjoy the taste of your food, every bite and morsel! Tell yourself, I am here, enjoying my freshly-prepared gourmet dish. It’s delicious, and I’m loving this moment.

Not familiar with the practice of mindfulness. Read our story: GETTING STARTED WITH THE PRACTICE OF MINDFULNESS.

Eyes on the prize.

Lastly, keep your eyes on your goals, or the end-game. Many people forego their long-term goal (attaining health or weight loss) for the short-term reward of eating. It is understandably tempting, but nothing great ever comes easy, right? Focus on the health benefits your body will enjoy in the long run.

Love dining out? You don’t have to give it up. With some savvy substitutions and handy tricks, you can still savor the simple joys of eating out, without having to give up on your health goals.



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