Go Nuts for Nuts: Top 10 Healthiest Nuts to Snack On
by: Naturally Immune | August 25, 2022

Whether you have a serious case of the munchies, or need brain-boosting food to power through a difficult task, nuts are a fantastic food to have on hand. They’re crunchy, tasty, filling, and is hands-down the better alternative to junk food.

But besides being great for smart snacking, here’s the bigger reason why we’re nuts about nuts. These bite-sized babies are nutrient powerhouses carrying protein, healthy fats, antioxidants, and other essential vitamins and minerals.

And here’s a perk most people don’t know about: nuts are good for the gut and immune health.

So, should you reach out for a pack of nuts now? Keep in mind, not all nuts are created equal. For one, the salt or sugar added to nuts can possibly negate the health benefits. Second, each kind of nut carries a unique “bragging right.” So, which one should you stock up on?

Malena Perdomo, MS, RDN, CDE, a dietitian interviewed by Real Simple recommends snacking on a variety of nuts to reap the full benefits. Here’s a list of the healthiest nuts, including almonds, and some not-so-popular ones. Get to know them to mix up your nut game.

  1. Almonds

Popular, highly-marketable, almond is our number one nut. It’s a go-to snack for weight loss due to its fat-burning amino acid called L-arginine. Among all nuts, it has the highest amount of fiber, and is super rich in Vitamin E (one serving provides 60 percent of your daily needs!) 

That’s not all. The skin on the almonds promote the growth of healthy bacteria, so it’s gut-healthy. Finally, almonds have been shown to reduce inflammation and the risk of colon cancer.

  1. Cashews

While almonds are favored by health nuts, cashews are well-loved by vegans and vegetarians. The reason? Their sweet buttery taste makes it a great replacement for dairy (sprinkle on white sauced-pasta, anyone?) But did you know that among all nuts, cashews have the highest amount of iron and zinc? So if you’re looking to strengthen your immune system, go ahead and grab a handful of cashews. Just make sure to limit your consumption to avoid weight gain (around 5 to 10 cashews per day).

  1. Hazelnuts 

There’s more to hazelnuts than being spread as Nutella. Hazelnuts make for a great snack, and as an added texture to veggie dishes, salads, and pastas. Besides being high in fiber and heart-healthy, hazelnuts are rich in folate, which is a very important nutrient for pregnancy. Just make sure to eat it with skin on, as it contains the highest number of antioxidants.

  1. Walnuts

We think the world will be a dull place without walnuts. Sure, they look strange with their wrinkly, almost brain-like appearance. But if you can go past that, you’ll discover a an immensely healthy nut full of healthy fats. You should especially eat walnuts for its high omega-3 essential fatty acid content that’s great for helping with certain mood disorders. Add them on your Mediterranean salad, banana bread, oatmeal, or sprinkle on anything that’s tasty.

  1. Pistachios

These little green gems are not only delicious, they also have the lowest-calorie content among all other nuts. Pistachios are great for snacking, since the act of deshelling offers a visual cue for you to eat mindfully. It’s also an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that promote eye health. And if you’re looking for a brand new way to enjoy your coffee, trying whipping up a pistachio latte (recommending a hot latte, instead of iced.)

  1. Macadamia

Macadamia often gets a bad rap for being fatty. But nutritionists have been addressing this notion: yes it’s high in fat, but the good kind of fat. According to Medical News Today, around 80% of this is monounsaturated fat, which can help manage cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.  People who love macadamia enjoy it raw, roasted, converted into a nut butter, or dipped in chocolate (make it dark chocolate, please!) 

  1. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are similar to macadamia in terms of taste, but is oilier, and a bit tougher. It’s the go-to nut if you want to strengthen your immunity. Brazil nuts are rich in the mineral selenium which acts as a protective antioxidant to reduce cell damage and inflammation. With its mild and nutty flavor, brazil nuts are favored by dessert-makers and chocolatiers. But if you want to reap health benefits, go for the unsalted raw or roasted ones, or stir a few handfuls into your trail mix.

  1. Pine Nuts

If you love pesto, pine nuts are a non-negotiable. It adds not only some texture, but also a layer of nutrition for you. Pine nuts are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin K, iron, and magnesium. It’s a popular snack for vegans who want to derive iron from natural plant sources, and those who want to improve their bone health. A hundred gram of pine nuts can provide you 400% of your recommended manganese daily, according to this article.

  1. Pecans

You may think of pecans as a Christmas treat, but you should definitely consider eating them all year long. Heart-healthy, pecans can help you manage your cholesterol. It’s also a great nutfor diabetes management, due to its low glycemic index.

  1. Chestnuts

Even more associated with the Christmas season are chestnuts, these starchy darlings that bring the warm glow of the holidays. Nutritionists may be quick to point out its high carbohydrate content, but on the other hand, chestnuts have the lowest fat and calorie content. It’s also high in Vitamin C, so if you love chestnuts, it’s a surefire win.



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