What Is Earthing and Is It Good for Your Health?
by: Naturally Immune | December 8, 2022

For some, the concept of walking barefoot on the grass, sand, dirt, or rock, might seem strange and downright New Agey. In truth, there’s nothing new with earthing or grounding. Before everyone started wearing shoes, our forefathers used to walk the earth barefoot. They walked, sat, slept, and sought shelter on ground. With nature’s help, they relished healthy doses of fresh air, sunlight, water, food, and had everything they needed to live and flourish.

Today, we’re living in an age where we’re surrounded by synthetic and electronic materials. The thought alone of subsisting without our phones and other gadgets is unfathomable, pushing us further and further away from our connection to nature.

Now, thanks to the growing interest in natural healing strategies, we learned the word for it. Grounding is the therapeutic technique of realigning your electrical energy by reconnecting to earth. It’s tapping into the natural healing vibration or energy of the earth, and letting it heal or restore balance in your body. Can grounding improve your health? Read on to learn about its health benefits.

grounding earthing health benefits

How does grounding or earthing work? 

Think of the universe as one big electric circuit board, where the earth has a negative charge, whereas our bodies hold a positive charge. Since our bodies are composed of minerals and water, we make excellent conductors of these electric charges. When they, the earth and your body connect, the electric charges neutralize, bringing about balance and harmony. 

Further, when bare skin or feet comes in contact with the earth, free electrons are absorbed by the body. Think of the free electrons as antioxidants capable of neutralizing or blocking toxins and free radical damage from the body.

grounding earthing health benefits

What health benefits can earthing provide?

There’s not much scientific research backing the benefits of earthing. But many of its practitioners swear by many remarkable improvements in their health, making this an accessible and practice for anyone who’s looking to improve their well-being.

Earthing may improve chronic fatigue and sleep disorders

In this study, 16 massage therapists were asked to do grounding for six weeks. The participants reported decreased fatigue, sleep disruptions, and improved quality of sleep. They also felt their energy and moods improved.

Earthing may help improve immunity

The central theory from one study is that a matrix functions as a central connector between living cells. They believe that through grounding, the bodies tap into the matrix, and gains electrons similar to antioxidants that cause the natural defenses of the body to be restored.

Earthing may improve heart health

One study shows prolonged use of grounding mats reduced hypertension of the participants.

Earthing may help resolve chronic pain 

Practitioners also attest to the earth’s natural electric charge stabilizing the physiology of the body, thereby reducing stress on the body.

grounding earthing health benefits

How can you practice grounding or earthing?

This is where earthing or grounding has favorable gains compared to other healing or holistic practices, like yoga or sound therapy. Earthing has practically no expenses, you don’t need an instructor, or a membership. All you need is a patch of earth, and some 30 minutes of your time a few times a week. Here’s how you can get started. 

Walk barefoot outside 

Remove your footwear, and simply walk barefoot on the ground. Just relish the moment, and enjoy the fresh air, and the warm generous sun.

Lie on the ground

Lie on the ground and enjoy direct skin-to-earth contact. You can do this on a patch of grass in your neighborhood, or in a park. Choose the optimal time for you, whether early in the morning or in the afternoon, when the sun’s not that harsh. 

Submerse in water

Yes, submersing in water is also a form of grounding. Simply wade in a lake or the ocean, and feel the natural energies of the earth pass through your body. 

grounding earthing health benefits

Use grounding equipment

Not everyone has an access to a greenery in their neighborhood. Our busy schedules too sometimes hinder us from visiting our outdoor grounding spots. When this happens, you can opt to use grounding equipment instead, such as grounding rod. Simply put, you use a rod to connect your body through the ground outside.

Other grounding equipment you can use are grounding mats, grounding socks, grounding sheets or blankets, and grounding bands or matches.

Familiarize yourself with conductive materials 

What materials are conductive? It’s a good question to ask if you’re planning to do grounding long-term. Your skin is conductive, as well as materials like leather, copper, metal, concrete, clothes and socks. Touch trees, grass, dirt, and feel the earth’s natural healing energy. Wood, plastic, rubber, and other synthetic materials on the other hand are non-conductive. 

The bottom line

Think of earthing as a form of meditation and as a launching pad for those who have a hard time meditating. It’s easy, accessible, and practically costless. As practitioners who swear by its benefits say, there’s no harm in trying, right? All you need is a patch of earth, and 30 minutes of your time each day for starters. So go ahead, take off your shoes, release tension, and find your center.  



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