Improve Your Immune System With These Six Habits
by: Roger Ty-Simone | July 4, 2023

There’s no magic bullet when it comes to having a strong immune system. In the same vein,  it’s impossible to boost your immune system, no matter what you see and hear on social media. There simply is no such thing.

But, not all hope is lost, health warrior. Everything you need to do to start taking care of your immune system better is already within you. To start building a stronger immunity, here are six healthy habits that we recommend.

Get Adequate Sleep

There’s a reason why we placed this on top of this list. We couldn’t emphasize more the importance of adequate and quality sleep for keeping diseases at bay. 

And this is because when we sleep, our bodies produce chemicals that help bolster our immune system. This includes cytokines, proteins that target inflammation and infection by creating an immune response. Also, while we sleep, our bodies produce T-cells, white blood cells that play a critical role in our bodies’ response to infectious diseases. 

Adults need at least eight hours of sleep each day, while teenagers need nine to ten hours of sleep.

Struggling with sleep? Here are simple things you can do to get an adequate amount of sleep each night.

  • Set your alarm for the same time each day.
  • If you must take naps within the day, limit to 20 mins only.
  • Relax for 30 mins before bed.
  • Disconnect all your devices an hour before bedtime.
  • Block out light.
  • Invest in a good mattress and beddings.
  • Catch some sunlight the moment you wake up. Sunlight helps regulate the human circadian rhythm.

Eat Healthy

Think of your body as a well-oiled machine. If all you feed it is junk, the body will soon stop functioning properly.

Avoid these foods to keep your immune system in good shape:

  • Processed Foods: high amounts of processed food can increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders, metabolic disorders (obesity and diabetes), coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular diseases.
  • Sugary Foods: People who eat more sweets are at higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
  • Inflammatory Foods: Inflammatory foods, like sugary foods, processed foods, meat, excessive alcohol, and refined carbohydrates can alter the bacteria that live in the gut, triggering more inflammation in the immune system.
  • Vegetable Oils:  these are high in omega-6 fatty acids. Scientists have hypothesized that eating too much omega-6 might lead to increased inflammation in the body.

Instead, opt for a diet that’s 70-80% fresh, whole, and plant-based. 

Take Key Supplements

It’s 2023, three years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, and people’s lives have returned to normal. The immune system has been placed in the mind’s backburner, so it’s important to remind people that we need to continue taking supplements, especially Vitamin D and C.

Why Vitamin D? Most foods lack Vitamin D, which is important for a strong immune function. Low levels can increase your susceptibility to disease, so this is one supplement you need to take everyday.

Why Vitamin C? While some people opt to take their Vitamin C for food sources, it’s a good idea to supplement as well. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which our body needs to protect cells from harmful chemicals.

Consider Time-Restricted Eating

Studies have shown that time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, has immune system benefits.

Time-restricted eating triggers autophagy or cell recycling. When we experience caloric drought, we trigger our bodies to self-eat the damaged cells and convert them into new ones. Essentially, this means time-restricted eating helps us replenish and revitalize our cells, which makes our immune system stronger.

Other benefits include weight loss, anti-aging, stress resistance, and heart health. READ MORE: How Does Intermittent Fasting Benefit Your Immune Health?

Expose Your Body to Hormetic Stress

The health of the immune system involves being able to withstand various stresses to the body. That said, hormetic said can be beneficial to the immune system.

Hormetic stress is basically good stress, a form of positive stress that builds resilience within the body. You are challenging your body, but you are not fatigued. Vaccines, if you think about it, are also a form of hormetic stress.

How does this help your body? According to Very Well Mind, “in developing resilience, you begin to create a greater distress tolerance. In creating a greater distress tolerance, you will have a quicker recovery from stressful experiences, which can even result in enhanced cell and tissue repair. In turn, this can lead to longevity and vitality throughout the lifespan.”

Intermittent fasting is actually a form of hormetic stress. Other examples are HIIT (high-intensity interval training),  taking temperature changes, such as sauna baths or ice baths. So is red light therapy, originally used for skincare, but also has  immunity-boosting benefits too, experts have found.

Before you embark on hormetic stress, consult your doctor first.

Exercise and Meditate Regularly

Exercise and meditation go hand in hand. Done together, they can do wonders for your immune health.

Regular exercise, according to studies, increases the circulation of the immune cells.  When you exercise, the muscles contract to help circulate blood throughout the body. The heart beats faster, and the blood circulation increases. As the blood circulates, so do the immune cells, making them roam the body at a higher rate and at higher numbers.

On the other hand, meditation gives our bodies the break it needs. When we meditate, we give our immune system time to rest, recharge, and repair itself from the time our cells get stressed. Through meditation, we are able to let our immune systems do its job well.

Try any form of moving meditation, check this story: How to Start a Moving Meditation Practice

There you go, six habits that can keep your immune system healthy. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Get adequate sleep.
  2. Eat healthy.
  3. Take key supplements (Vitamins D and C).
  4. Do intermittent fasting aka time-restricted eating.
  5. Expose yourself to hormetic stress.
  6. Exercise and meditate regularly.

Taking care of your immune health should be your top priority. When your immunity is strong and balanced, this will extend to all aspects of your health, paving the way to a life well-lived. If you have questions about your immune health, contact us or book a consultation:, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram


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