7 Ways to Get Healthier Without Trying Very Hard
by: Naturally Immune | January 24, 2024

New year, new you. When it comes to setting health goals, people have the tendency to look at them as big projects that require elaborate planning, sweeping statements, and exhaustive efforts. In truth, staying healthy need not be an all-or-nothing arrangement you set for yourself.

Sometimes (if not, most of the time), it’s the little things that matter– those small steps that you do consistently day in and day out, that reap the best results. 

Without trying too hard, here are ways to lead a healthier lifestyle this 2024.

  1. Move more and sit less.

Misconception: you have to enroll in a gym or hire a fitness instructor to do this.

In truth, many of those gym memberships end up wasted (but this is not to discourage you; there have been success stories too.)

In truth, if you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can accomplish this by following this simple motto, “move more.”

Incorporated in your daily life of tasks, here are small things you can do:

  • Park far away from your meeting or get-together so you can log in walking points.
  • While watching your favorite TV series, exercise, do lunges, jumping jacks, any movement!
  • Use the stairs, instead of the elevator (great way to squeeze in some cardio.)
  • Play with your dog.
  • Incorporate walking meetings.
  • If you often work remotely and from a desk space, get a standing desk instead and walk and move around while checking your emails or attending an online meeting. 
  1. Eat more fiber.

If losing weight is one of your goals this 2024, consider adding more fiber to your diet, instead of saving up money to buy Ozempic.

Last year, this wonder drug Ozempic was all the rage. Ozempic contains a compound called semaglutide, which makes hunger go away. 

The drug mimics a hormone that our bodies naturally make, called GLP-1. Turns out you can increase this hormone by adding more fiber to your diet. 

So start adding these foods to your diet: lentils, split peas, chickpeas, black beans, artichoke hearts, chia seeds, raspberries, blackberries, whole wheat pasta, pears, almonds, oats, avocados, quinoa, edamame, broccoli, and ground flaxseed.

  1. Have an egg for breakfast.

When you say breakfast, most of the time, we think heavy carbohydrate-rich foods. Think French toasts, pancakes, rice bowls and waffles.

But one small swap you can start doing this 2024 is eating something protein-rich for breakfast instead.

A low-carb breakfast can keep you feeling fuller for longer. It also lessens the chances of a “sugar crash,” one where you suddenly dip into low energy levels after just two hours of eating breakfast.

An accessible and affordable alternative to those carb-laden meals? Eggs! Eggs are full of protein, and can help you feel full all the way to lunchtime (and sometimes more!)  Also, eggs can help slightly increase your metabolism, helping you burn more calories in the long run.

(READ MORE: Are eggs good or bad for you?)

  1. Outsmart dopamine.

How well do you know our frenemy dopamine? Dopamine, according to Cleveland Clinic, is a neurotransmitter in the brain, a “reward center”, and is connected to memory, movement, motivation, mood, and attention. 

Many of the unhealthy habits we have a hard time renouncing are those that trigger surges of dopamine. Examples of these are scrolling through social media, shopping online, playing video games and eating junk food. Once you start, you can’t stop. 

Knowing this for a fact will now empower you to outsmart these activities. Try some of these tricks:

  • Be purposeful in your actions. For example, before you spend another wasted 30 minutes on your phone, ask yourself: am I being intentional and purposeful in this activity? That literal pause and asking yourself will hopefully help you switch to a better more enlightening activity, such as reading a book, or meditating.
  • Do the 5-minute rule. Dopamine works fast, but it also dissipates fast. For example, if you’re looking at grabbing that bag of hot Cheetos, give yourself 5 minutes to think it over or just empty your mind. After 5 minutes, see if you still have that craving.
  1. Get your 8 hours of sleep.

This tip is hardly new, and yet it’s essential to include it in this list, as many still don’t get enough shuteye every day. Understandable, though, as these days getting enough sleep can feel unattainable, thanks to our gadgets, our busy schedules, and the many ways we try hustle– 24 hours a day hardly seem enough.

But talking about little to no effort to stay healthy, sleeping ranks high. It’s one thing you can do for yourself to stay healthy. There are so many health benefits: for cognitive functioning, mood, mental health, and cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, metabolic health, basically everything in your body.

Sleep is vital and is as necessary as breathing and eating.

For a deeper dive on the benefits of sleep, READ THIS.

  1. Make water your beverage of choice. 

Are you drinking enough water daily?

Drinking water is essential to our health: staying hydrated brings nutrients to cells, gets rid of wastes, protects joints and organs, and maintains body temperature. 

How much water should you drink a day? According to Healthline, it depends on the gender. For men, it’s recommended to drink 13 cups of water a day , and for women, 9 cups of water. But this is not an exact appropriation, the amount of water you need will also depend on your age, if you’re pregnant, if you exercise, or live in a warmer climate.

This 2024, commit to drinking more water for your health. You can do this simply by getting yourself a reusable water bottle and never letting it leave your side. Make it a habit to drink every so often.

  1. Find a hobby or creative outlet that you’ll enjoy.

Again, because of the pervading hustle culture in our society, people forget the value of doing activities just for the mere fun of doing it, which unknowingly, leads to relaxation and stress reduction. Being creative is good for you!

Creative outlets not only help feelings of loneliness, but can also improve yur mood and even cognitive functioning. There’s a whole slew of activities to try. Consider drawing, singing, writing, playing music, baking, painting, knitting, pottery, coloring, dancing or gardening. A creative outlet will clear your mind’s clutter, make you a better person, and most importantly, improve your health.

There you go, 7 things you can do to stay healthy without even trying too hard. This 2024, small changes like this can work wonders for your health. What other small changes do you plan to make? Tell us in the comments section. 



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