
The Future of Food: the Rising Popularity of Functional Foods
From wellness shots to probiotics, functional foods are promising more than addressing nutritional needs – busting stress and anxiety, reducing fatigue, and improving immunity, Are they well worth the hype? Functional foods are getting more popular by the day. Market...
Is Drinking Wine Actually Good For You?
Whether or not you have a taste for wine, here’s an undeniable fact: it’s one of life’s simple pleasures. It can elevate the romantic touch of a dinner date under the stars, turn around a stressful day after a relaxing soak in the bathtub, and enliven home...
Here’s Why You Stress-Eat, and How You Can Kick the Habit
Many of us, at one time or another, have eaten beyond satiating our hunger, and not because we’re celebrating something. Oftentimes, it’s because we’re weighed down by stress, and reaching for that snack in the pantry at that exact moment just made perfect sense. And...
Indulge in the Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
When it comes to food that make us happy, chocolate ranks high on our lists—and deservedly so. There’s just something so satisfying the moment our lips meet that first bite, and relish in its rich and velvety taste. If you love chocolate and wish you could eat it...
Be a “Know It Oil”: Everything You Need to Know About Cooking Oils
For all the many ways we try to eat healthier, one key commodity in our shopping list tends to be overlooked. The kind of oil we use to saute, fry, bake, or drizzle with is just as important as the food we eat. Not only do we use oil as a heat transfer medium, the oil...
Getting to Know Cilantro, the Controversial Herb
People love food, and part of that love is engaging in healthy and constructive debates around it. And when it comes to divisiveness around food, one leafy, wispy herb stands out. Cilantro—either you love or hate it. For its lovers, its rounded leaves brighten up many...
10 Things That Will Happen to Your Body if You Eat Greens Every Day
If you grew up eating vegetables, good for you. But chances are, you were one of those picky kids who found veggies, especially the green ones, strange and gross. Hopefully, you’ve long outgrown that and have eaten lots of veggies since. If you haven’t, don’t fret,...
How to Start Your Own Herb Garden
If you’re planning to do a small home improvement project, look no further. You can start your own herb garden with just a few supplies, and reap what you sow in no time. Herb plants not only brighten up your home, but also give you access to fresh herbs to add...
On the Menu: How to Eat Healthy While Dining Out
As much as dining out is one of life’s most pleasurable experiences (think full-course meals and ultimate buffets), it makes it too easy to fall by the wayside to living a healthier life. Those fancy mouthwatering descriptions on the menu? The smell of glorious food...
5 Delicious Ways to Enjoy the Super of All Superfoods, Moringa
Three years ago, moringa was touted as the “new kid in town,” with wellness writers comparing it to kale and spinach. Today, it has more than gained acceptance, proving itself as one of the world’s most amazing superfoods. With moringa, what’s not to love? Not only is...