
This is How You Can Reset Your Metabolism The Natural Way
When it comes to undesired weight gain or weight loss, metabolism often gets the blame. In this modern age, metabolism is not only a scapegoat but also a worn-out sales pitch for every health and wellness advertising campaign. Plenty of health and wellness products...
Early Signs of Breast Cancer to Look Out For
An estimated 42,250 women will die from breast cancer this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Accounting for 1 in 3 female cancers annually, breast cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in females, besides skin cancer– so it’s essential to...
Skin Care Routine For People In Their Forties
The French philosopher, Charles Peguy, was spot-on when he declared, “40 is a fearsome age. It is the age when we become who we are.” Turning 40 soon? Welcome and celebrate this milestone with open arms. If it feels like a huge deal, it’s because it is. This is your...
10 Popular Self-Love Books to Read on Valentine’s Day
Come February, the month of romance or love, we all know what everyone’s typically thinking. If you’re in a relationship, great, have fun on your date. But if you’re single, there’s that sense of dread. I am alone and dateless, and I can’t wait for February 14 to pass...
Celebrate the Year of the Dragon With These Healthy Traditional Dishes
The Lunar New Year has always been the most important holiday of the year for the Filipino-Chinese community in the Philippines. Lasting two weeks, the celebration includes dancing lions to attract prosperity and wisdom, the giving of red envelopes called ang pao...
Good Fat, Not so Bad Fat, Bad Fat
People nowadays tend to be more health conscious, owing to the availability of information online on what is good for the health and what is harmful. Keto, low fat, low carb, and the like have become household terms. We all have a general idea what foods are...
7 Ways to Get Healthier Without Trying Very Hard
New year, new you. When it comes to setting health goals, people have the tendency to look at them as big projects that require elaborate planning, sweeping statements, and exhaustive efforts. In truth, staying healthy need not be an all-or-nothing arrangement you set...
Staying Healthy With An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
“Let food be thy medicine; thy medicine shall be thy food.” The time-honored quotation, ascribed to Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine, underscores the positive correlation between healthy food intake and overall health. By recognizing food as...
10 Plant Based Recipes You Can Try
Netflix opened the New Year with a bombshell of a documentary series. You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment is the latest in the streaming platform’s groundbreaking revelation in health and wellness. Just like the previous documentaries, such as Game Changers...
Health and Wellness Trends 2024
Just a few days to go, and we’re bidding 2023 goodbye. Hopefully, 2023 has been good for you in terms of your health and wellness goals. As we open a new chapter, it’s time to create new intentions for 2024. As you start jotting down your New Year's health...