10 New Year Resolutions to Naturally Strengthen the Immune System
by: Naturally Immune | January 7, 2023

How’s your New Year resolution-writing coming along? Like most people do, you’ve probably made health and wellness a top priority for 2023. But here’s a suggestion. Instead of writing “lose 10 kilos,” “grow some abs,” “or go to the gym more often,” how about writing a goal that will benefit every aspect of your life? This simple: aim for a healthy and strong immune system for 2023.

Our immune systems play a vital role. It protects your body against viruses, germs, harmful substances, and cell changes that could make you ill. A healthier immune system also spells out longevity and a life well-lived into your 60s, 70s, even your 80s. By making this your goal, you get to check all the right health and wellness boxes, including nutrition, sleep, exercise, overall mindset, as well as the physical benefits (such as clearer skin, or fitting well in your clothes). But first things first, how should you write your goals?

Roger Ty-Simone Naturally Immune Founder Sheng Zhen Teacher

A more resilient approach

Naturally-Immune founder Roger Ty-Simone dishes out advice on how we should craft our new year’s resolutions. “My advice is not to set ideal or absolute goals. We tend to place unnecessary pressure on ourselves, and quit when our calendars overflow, or stress levels shoot up.”

Instead, Roger suggests a more resilient, flowing approach. “See one’s health as a work-in-progress, always shifting to and fro, but generally improving along the way.”

“The factors won’t always be ideal, meaning you won’t always have time, problems will arise, struggles are inevitable. So developing resilience and better being able to handle adversity and change will help you stick to your goals in the long run.”

Do this by:

  • Changing your mindset.
  • Seeing adversities or obstacles as opportunities to grow.
  • When these happen, know that though it’s initially painful or uncomfortable, you can become more adaptive, more flexible, and more open each time.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to fall short. The important thing is to learn from them.
  • Focus on the journey, not the destination. This doesn’t mean having vague or unmeasurable goals. It’s becoming very clear about your intention, and focusing on effort, progress, and a deeper understanding of your purpose or your “why”. It should be a conscious, purposeful effort. For example, don’t focus on the numbers or the scale or how much weight you’ve lost; think about how you feel now that you’re eating healthier, how you have more energy, and more purposeful in everything you do.
grounding earthing health benefits

10 Resolutions for a healthier immunity

From working in the medical field, learning indigenous healing practices in Hawaii, to teaching Sheng Zhen in the Philippines and abroad, Roger has taught and treated people around the world for over forty years.

But it was only during the start of the pandemic in 2020 when his path to healthier living began. Realizing he wanted to be around longer for his wife and son, Roger shifted his lifestyle, focusing on integrating his spiritual practices towards a healthier immunity. 

Here are 10 resolutions for a stronger and healthier immunity you can set for the new year, according to Roger.

  1. Start with good night’s sleep every day.
  2. Wake up naturally and get lots of water, sunlight, and clean air first thing in the morning.
  3. Take a walk to connect with nature.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Pray and plan the day thoughtfully.
  6. Be realistic about daily goals and expectations — don’t over-plan or over-commit.
  7. Enjoy your day, even the setbacks. Find value in all of life’s adversities.
  8. Eat better at each meal, making thoughtful and good choices throughout the day.
  9. Move regularly. Exercise simply but regularly. Seek to find enjoyment in moving – walks in nature, with friends and family, and after every meal, even for only 15-20 mins.
  10. Avoid screens, television, and bright light after sunset. Read before bed, sleep early, and regularly attend to sleep environment, quality and duration.

READ: 10 Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick

Here are healthy habits you can do to improve your immune health. Shared by Roger Ty-Simone, founder of Naturally-Immune.

Parting shot

As we head into the fourth year of dealing with the pandemic, we’re still on the fence about maintaining a strong immunity from the virus and other kinds of illnesses. But this is also the perfect time to address a misconception about the immune system – balance it, don’t boost it!

“Boosting the immune system is problematic and may produce undesired effects,” Roger explains. “When our bodies are threatened, we want them to respond properly, not overreact.”

Instead, seek to optimize, or balance, over boosting. Because a well-balanced immune system is still your best line of defense.

Besides the 10 resolutions listed above, Roger highlights the importance of eating healthy. “The number one cause of sickness right now is unhealthy food and drink. Change this, and the rest will flow easier.”

Roger notes that adjusting your diet will provide the most immediate, sustainable, and lasting changes. “Do not focus on restricting intake only. Rather, look for fresh, local, organic or bio-dynamic foods prepared at home.”

For snacks, it’s easy to grab anything processed or sugary. But Roger advices replacing these with nutrient-dense snacks, such as fruits, nuts, smoothies, or hummus. There are many options out there.

For vegetables, try to incorporate as much high-fiber and fermented vegetables in your diet, as those will promote bacterial diversity in your gut microbiome. The health of the your gut is essential to protect yourself against unwanted viruses and diseases.

READ: Best Foods For a Healthy Gut

Make 2023 your best year ever. Write down your goals, and paste it on a place you’ll see first thing in the morning. Don’t forget to check in with yourself regularly, and celebrate successes both big and small. Most of all, believe in yourself, and enjoy the journey. Happy New Year from Naturally-Immune!



  1. The Top 10 Worst Foods For Your Immune System - Naturally Immune - […] sugar and saturated fat and other ingredients that can weaken the immune system. So, in keeping the healthy habits…

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